Hello House guests,
This is the Veto meeting. Since J.D won the Power of Veto he must decide what he will do, remove himself or Alex from the chopping block.
J.D it is now time to make your decision..
J.D: "This late in the game I cannot risk it, so I chose to use the veto on myself, Taylor since I have vetoed one of your nominees you must name a renom.
Alex |
Joseph |
Taylor: "I'm sure you saw this coming, Joseph I'm sorry take a seat on the chopping block."
So the nominees are Joseph, and Alex...
But like we have been telling you house guests ALL season "Expect The Unexpected" well I'm sure you didn't expect this...
A few weeks ago we had a poll, the winner of that poll had to make a very tough decision. He/ or She had to decide if the were going to ineligible for HoH for 2 straight weeks or allow a evicted house guest back in the house, they chose to chose to sit out for the next two HoH competitions. But with that came along a prize, a game changer. The winner of the Poll was granted a Diamond Power of Veto. Diamond Power of Veto allows the holder to remove anyone from the chopping block and renom who he/ or she would like except for the HoH, and the POV winner. This is the last week it could be used so if the winner of the secret power would like to use it please stand up.
*Alex stands up*
Alex: "Hey guys , Ultimately I have to do whats best for me, and this means getting out the threats, in whatever way possible, thats why unfortunately I have to use this dPOV to take myself off and out up... Patrick. I know your going to be super pissed because of this but I know you are the strongest player left out of al 5 of us which means any opportunity I have to take you out is something I have to take, Good Luck Patrick and Joseph.
Patrick |
Joseph |
Who will go home this week? Alex, and J.D we need your votes by the end of the day today!
Eviction will be tonight and HoH will be tomorrow!
-Big Brother