Sunday, November 24, 2013

Power of Veto

Sorry for the delay House guests,

I had went on a business trip and forgot my laptop!! I am so sorry!

Now I'm back its time for Veto, this just might be the most important one yet!


JD won the Head of Household ensuring himself a spot in the final 3. With that he named Alex, and Taylor as the Head of Household. Lets get this Veto started.

This Veto is called "MultiTask" and the object of the game is in the title, you have to multiTask. The house guest with the highest amount of seconds will be the winner. As you play the game it will lay out the rules.

You have until Tuesday Night (Nov26th) to complete!


-Big Brother

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nomination Ceremony

Hello House guests,

This is las nomination ceremony until the final 3!

We will make it real short and simple.

JD you had to put two House Guests up for eviction. Who will it be?



Veto will be up either tonight or tomorrow morning. You MUST have it done before Thursday Morning!

-Big Brother

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Head of Household (Week 8) Before or After.

Hello house guests,

This weeks Head of Household was played very similar to The Real Big Brothers Before and After Competition.

I had asked you guys the same 8 questions and gave you ONLY 30 seconds to answer with either before or after. Good news everyone got al 8 questions in on time.

Taylor as outgoing Head of Household you were not eligible to compete.

Questions Asked (Answer Key):

1. Was the first veto played before or after Mark was expelled? (AFTER)
2. Did Alex win his First HOH before or after Moises was evicted? (AFTER)
3. Did Joseph make his 10th DR before or after Patrick made his 15th? (AFTER)
4. Did Joseph win his only POV before or after JD won his second competition? (AFTER)
5. Did the MVP Twist end before or after Patrick won his 2nd HOH? (BEFORE)
6. Did Taylor submit her application before or after Patrick? (AFTER)
7. Did Alex freak out in a DR before or after Joseph did? (BEFORE)
8. Did week 2 start before or after October 2nd?  (BEFORE)

Patrick: 4/8

Alex: 6/8

J.D: 7/8

Congratulations once again J.D, you are the head of household and have a secure spot in the Final 3! You are one step closer to winning the $150. Once again congrats J.D!
J.D (HoH Week 8)

We need your nominees by the end of the day tomorrow (Sunday).

Good Luck Final 4!

**After this week the final 3 need to send me their address where I will send your prize if you win, if you don't feel comfortable giving a physical address (even though I'm far from being a creeper, but we understand) then look into getting a P.O Box at your local post office.**

-Big Brother

Friday, November 15, 2013

Season 2 Application

Submit Apps to 


-Big Brother

Live Eviction (Week 7)

Hello house guests,

Well this is the live eviction, and this week was a rough LONG week to say the least. Taylor as the HoH decided to put up J.D , and Alex for eviction. But with the Veto in play, no one is safe. J.D pulled away with another veto and removed himself off the chopping block! Taylor then put up Joseph as the replacement. But as we warned "Expect the Unexpected" Alex had a Diamond Power of Veto and decided to use it on himself and Patrick took his place. So who will be evicted will it be Joseph or Patrick? Lets find out!

With a vote of 1- 1 for the second time we have a tie!
With that being said Taylor must break the tie. Taylor please make your decision!

Taylor: "As Head of Household I have to break this tie... And I know everyone saw this coming... Sorry Joseph, I have to evict you!"

Joseph, you have been evicted from Big Brother: The Online Game.

The Head of Household will be LIVE meaning it will take place with me talking to you when your online! So if you don't have us of facebook you need to add us!

This will be the Before or After competition just like in the real Big Brother game!

So make sure your online at some point and let us know!!!

-Big Brother

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Who will be evicted week 7?

Memory Wall Week 7


Veto Meeting (Week 7)

Hello House guests,

This is the Veto meeting. Since J.D won the Power of Veto he must decide what he will do, remove himself or Alex from the chopping block.

J.D it is now time to make your decision..

J.D: "This late in the game I cannot risk it, so I chose to use the veto on myself, Taylor since I have vetoed one of your nominees you must name a renom.


Taylor: "I'm sure you saw this coming, Joseph I'm sorry take a seat on the chopping block."

So the nominees are Joseph, and Alex...

But like we have been telling you house guests ALL season "Expect The Unexpected" well I'm sure you didn't expect this...

A few weeks ago we had a poll, the winner of that poll had to make a very tough decision. He/ or She had to decide if the were going to ineligible for HoH for 2 straight weeks or allow a evicted house guest back in the house, they chose to chose to sit out for the next two HoH competitions. But with that came along a prize, a game changer. The winner of the Poll was granted a Diamond Power of Veto. Diamond Power of Veto allows the holder to remove anyone from the chopping block and renom who he/ or she would like except for the HoH, and the POV winner. This is the last week it could be used so if the winner of the secret power would like to use it please stand up.

*Alex stands up*

Alex: "Hey guys , Ultimately I have to do whats best for me, and this means getting out the threats, in whatever way possible, thats why unfortunately I have to use this dPOV to take myself off and out up... Patrick. I know your going to be super pissed because of this but I know you are the strongest player left out of al 5 of us which means any opportunity I have to take you out is something I have to take, Good Luck Patrick and Joseph.


Who will go home this week? Alex, and J.D we need your votes by the end of the day today!

Eviction will be tonight and HoH will be tomorrow!

-Big Brother

Monday, November 11, 2013

Power of Veto Results (Week 7)

Hello house guests,

After a long week, it is now time to find out who is the winner of the Power of Veto, the "Letter Lasso" competition was a tough one but there can only be one winner so lets get on with these scores!

Letter Lasso Results

Taylor - (0)
Joseph- (2,745)
Alex- (2,968)
Patrick- (2,970)
J.D- (3.070) 

JD Veto Holder
J.D You have won the Power of Veto and you now have the decision to either use it on yourself or one Alex, the decision is all yours! We do need an answer by 5PM Monday(Tommorrow) ! Once again congrats J.D

Also a BIG congrats to the final 5 for making it this far :)

Eviction will be on Tuesday!

-Big Brother

Saturday, November 9, 2013

POV Week 7 "Letter Lasso"

Hello House guest,

Sorry for the 2 day delay, I was so busy with work!

Lets get to the Power of Veto Challenge. This weeks challenge is called "letter lasso" and here is how its played...

-Copy and Paste this link to your address bar
- GO to NEW GAME and select "SOCCER MOM", the "CONTINUE".
-Then the object of the game is to find the given word in the fastest time until you either run out of words or until you just can't find a certain word.
-You can skip a word but you will not get any points for that round.
-The winner will be who ever completes the most words in the fastest amount of time. If more than completes all the word, then the fastest time will be the winner of the VETO!

Lets get this show on the road!

Send your scores before 5PM tomorrow(Sunday). (Facebook or Email)

-"Busy" Big Brother

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Nomination Ceremony (Week 7)

Hello house guest,

This is the nomination ceremony, Taylor as this weeks Head of Household you had the duty of naming two house guests for eviction. Each week we know this decision gets tougher and tougher, but there can only be one winner. So lets find out who Taylor is nominating....

Taylor: "Sorry as HoH, I have to nominate two house guests, so lets start...
1st Key: Patrick
2nd Key: Joseph

Sorry J.D and Alex, I've nominated you two for eviction for my own reasons. This nomination ceremony is adjourned"

Veto Will start tomorrow at noon central time... Good luck!

-Big Brother
Alex (Nominee)
JD (Nominee)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Head of Household Winner (Week 7)

Hello House guests,

This weeks Head of Household was based on total luck! It was a poll, and the winner will become this weeks Head of Household! Lets move on to the votes!

Poll Votes:


Taylor, Congratulations, You are this weeks Head of Household!

We need your nominations by tomorrow night (Before Tuesday 11PM)! 

-Big Brother
Taylor (Head of Household)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Head of Household Competition (Week 7) "Fan Favorite"

Hello House guests,

This week we will see how many "fans" you have and if they like you enough to push you further in the game. This weeks Head of Household will go to the House Guests that gets the most votes! The poll will be on the Right side of the blog! Get to Voting!!!!!

Poll will close on Monday night around 11 PM!

Good luck!!

-Big Brother

Live Eviction (Week 6)

Hello House guests,

This is the Live Eviction, when after the votes are revealed the evicted house guest will only have a few moments to say good bye, and walk out the front door! Lets reveal the votes...

With a vote of 2-1, Matthew you have been evicted from Big Brother: The Online Game.

Hoh will be posted tonight and due before the end of the day on Monday (11/4). Good luck!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Who Will Leave Week 6?


Who will be evicted Week 6?


Votes Must Be ASAP Live eviction tomorrow night!

-Big Brother

Veto Meeting (Week 6)

Hello house guests,

This week Patrick nominated JD, and Joseph for eviction. J.D dominated at the Power of Veto Competition and removed himself off of the chopping block, with that being said Patrick must name a replacement nominee!

Lets get this show on the road!

JD: " As the Winner of The Power of Veto I have the choice to veto one of Patricks nominees, and I will gladly use the Veto on myself, Unfortunately since I have used the Veto on myself someone has to take my place and I don't wanna see any of them in the chopping block."

Patrick since JD used the Veto on himself you must name a replacement nominee...

Patrick: "Sorry Matthew take a seat"

Matthew (Replacement Nominee)

-Big Brother

Big Brother: The Online Game Chat

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