Sunday, December 1, 2013

Veto Winner

So finally I have enough time to post the winner of Veto.

This weeks Veto was a test of endurance and required ALOT of concentration, lets get to the results and find out who is the winner.

Scores of "MultiTask"

Taylor: Didn't Compete

JD: 41

Patrick: 51

Alex :130

Congrats Alex, you are the winner of the Power of Veto and have a secure spot in the final 3!

Now the nominees are Patrick, and Taylor with J.D as Head of Household. So Alex the power is in your hands, who will you send home please let me know as soon as possible!

What a change of Power!

Congrats once again Alex, and good luck Patrick and Taylor!

The rest of The Season Schedule:

(12/3)Tuesday: Eviction (Alex makes his decision)

(12/5)Thursday: 1st Part of the Last HoH.

(12/7)Saturday: 2nd Part of the Last HoH.

(12/14)Next Saturday: LAST HOH Winner: CROWN Winner (Season Finale)


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